Know The Answer?
Name the King who tried to stop Israel's progress by having them cursed.

Numbers 22:2

The Bible Story - Victory East of the Jordan
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1962
Volume: Vol XXVII, No.11
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The Bible Story - Victory East of the Jordan

The battle was set in array. When the twelve thousand soldiers of Israel realized that they were marching into the vast jaws of superior numbers of oncoming Midianites, many of them momentarily may have felt like wheeling about and fleeing in the opposite direction, In those first frightful moments they felt what it would mean never to return to their camps and families. The Signal to Attack. Then came the shrill, piercing sounds of the silver trumpets of the Israelites. It was an instant and powerful reminder to the soldiers that their God was with them, and that He would protect and strengthen them - and take them all safely into the Promised Land.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1962Vol XXVII, No.11