How can you KNOW which church Jesus built? - and of which church He is the LIVING HEAD? Today over four hundred denominations and sects call themselves "Christian." They all claim to be the true church - or at least a part of it. But they are in CONFUSION! Some denominations practice baptism by immersion - others by "sprinkling" or "pouring." Still others do not practice it at all. Some observe what they call the "Lord's Supper" every Sunday morning, some once a month - others at different times, by different fashions and called by different names. Except for a sentimental attachment to the name of Christ, this CONFUSION permeates almost EVERYTHING in modern "churchianity!" But didn't Jesus found ONE church of which He is the active Head? (Eph. 1:22-23). Doesn't God's Word speak of "ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism"? (Eph.4:5). How can you find the true faith and the true Church today?
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