Know The Answer?
Whom did God call the "father of many nations"?

Genesis 17:5

The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 56
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1963
Volume: Vol XXVIII, No.6
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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 56

We come now to the supreme CRISIS - the turning point - of Mr. Armstrong's life. The new Ambassador College "folds up" before it gets fairly started - only Mr. Armstrong refuses to believe it. Now came the real troubles! In an event-filled life, we now reached the crossroads. This was to be the real test. WHICH WAY - From Here? Ahead, now, was the possible transition from a small, struggling, virtually one-man work to a major-scale organization exerting a powerful influence on humanity the world around! Ambassador College was to provide the only possible means. It was to be the recruiting and training center, integrating into effective organization those whom God would call to become this Christ-led and Spirit-powered organism.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1963Vol XXVIII, No.6