Know The Answer?
Which book of the Bible says, "The love of money is a root of all evil?"
I Timothy

I Timothy 6:10

The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 66
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.6
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The Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong - Installment 66

Our son Garner Ted returns from Korea. The Work of God begins in Europe. First evangelistic campaign in the British Isles. Now I should like to get back once again to the year 1952. In recent chapters I have been covering the development of Ambassador College, the growth of The PLAIN TRUTH, the progress of the broadcast up to the ABC Network transcontinental, on through the television program, and the policy of daily broadcasting. But, after all, this is my autobiography - the story of my life. Of course this great work of God into which the living Christ plunged me actually is my life. The progress of the College, the broadcasting, and the publishing are the activities to which my life is devoted. But then, there is also the more personal phase of these activities.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1964Vol XXIX, No.6