Know The Answer?
What is the definition of sin as given in I John 3:4?
Sin is the transgression of the law.

I John 3

Putting the EVOLUTION Concept Into YOUR CHILD'S MIND
Plain Truth Magazine
July 1964
Volume: Vol XXIX, No.7
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Putting the EVOLUTION Concept Into YOUR CHILD'S MIND

(Editor's note: This is the first article ever written for The PLAIN TRUTH. This was written five years before the first issue was published in 1934, and by that time it had been forgotten in an old file. We thought, since Mr. Armstrong has not had the time to complete the Autobiography, that our readers would enjoy this article.) Most of us are outraged when we hear of the wrong being inflicted upon Russian childhood by Russian propagandists. The Soviet Government has compelled the teaching of Communism to Russian children. Thus the Bolshevists expect to make Russia safe for their particular beliefs. Yet we give our silent assent to the practice of far more dangerous methods upon our own children.

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Plain Truth MagazineJuly 1964Vol XXIX, No.7