Good News Magazine
November 1953
Volume: Vol III, No. 10
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Good News Staff  

GOD NOW opens another door - a very great door! Perhaps this is the greatest news we have ever had to announce! Beginning Sunday, October 25th, The WORLD TOMORROW goes on one of the great major radio networks, ABC, Transcontinental! This means millions of new listeners every week. It means tremendous prestige. It means approximately 175 additional radio stations. THINK OF IT - 175 additional radio stations - including the great basic 50,000-watt ABC stations in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Kansas City, Buffalo, Toronto, and other major cities. As we go to press the exact number of stations which will release the program is not known. We were allowed to select ABC stations in those cities we desired, and omit any we did not wish to cover.

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Good News MagazineNovember 1953Vol III, No. 10