Know The Answer?
What did Pharoah command his people to do with the Israelite babies?
Throw all the boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 1

Nazi Underground Plots in Britain!
Good News Magazine
September 1955
Volume: Vol V, No. 4
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Nazi Underground Plots in Britain!

I HAVE just arrived from London with news that ought to startle you! In London I expected to hear the languages of many lands uttered on street corners and in hotel lobbies. For there are always travelers from India, Africa, Arabia and the European continent - not to mention the American with his accent! But the MOST IMPORTANT tongue I heard was that of the German. It is astounding to realize the influence of German traders and commercial agents abroad - in England as elsewhere. And to think that only ten years have elapsed since World War II ended. The "Forgotten" Germans. It seems that in Western dealings with the German nation there are always the "forgotten" Germans. They are forgotten because of a peculiar blindness which afflicts our way of thinking. This blindness has produced two fundamental errors.

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Good News MagazineSeptember 1955Vol V, No. 4