Know The Answer?
Where was Paul when he saw the inscription to an "unknown god"?

Acts 17:21-23

YOU Can Be a Success
Good News Magazine
February 1957
Volume: Vol VI, No. 2
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YOU Can Be a Success

Learn the difference between success and failure. THIS past month has witnessed a great drama in England. It's a lesson to us. WHY did Sir Anthony Eden fail as prime minister? By contrast, WHY has Sir Winston Churchill been recognized as the great man of this century? Twenty-five years ago Churchill, too, would have been regarded as a near failure! But something happened that uncovered his traits of character. That something was World War II. Here is what happened: Faith Leads to Success; Churchill demonstrated his courage - his faith to drive onward to victory. He NEVER GAVE UP! When he knew that his decisions were right he never allowed himself to be swayed by adversity or critical opinions When the Germans in World War II heard Churchill's speech to the English people - he promised them "blood, sweat and tears" - they knew then that they were fighting a losing war.

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1957Vol VI, No. 2