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Who was known as the humblest man on earth?

Numbers 12:3

More Deacons Ordained!
Good News Magazine
December 1957
Volume: Vol VI, No. 12
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More Deacons Ordained!

God's Church continues to GROW! Let us REJOICE as we see more men and women being directly used in God's Church-preparing for His kingdom! A MOST happy event took place on the Sabbath, November 23, in the San Diego Church of God. It inspired the brethren there to realize more fully that Jesus Christ continues to work through His body - His Church - here on earth. It should inspire all of us! This happy event was the ordination of two deacons in the San Diego Church - Mr. Harold Jackson, and Mr. Harry Frahm. In one sense, it was unexpected. In another way, perhaps, it was long overdue. The story and meaning behind this ordination service illustrate some very important principles of how God works through His Church. Qualifications for a Deacon In God's government in His Church, a man must be prepared, qualified, consecrated, and tested before he can be given any responsible position.

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Good News MagazineDecember 1957Vol VI, No. 12