Know The Answer?
Where in Bethlehem was Jesus born?
In a stable.

Luke 2:7

Who Built the GREAT PYRAMID?
Good News Magazine
May 1958
Volume: Vol VII, No. 5
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Who Built the GREAT PYRAMID?

Here are surprising facts you should know - facts uncovered as a result of the trip by Dr. Meredith and Mr. Hoeh last summer in Egypt! WHO did build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Egypt? - when and why was it built? Is there some supernatural revelation hidden in its mighty stones? Was the pyramid built to make the Bible clear and understandable? Are the theories of the pyramidologists true? And what about the "pyramid inch" - is it equal to a year in prophecy? Can chronology be accurately determined only by the pyramid? What We Found at Gizeh. Opposite Cairo, across the Nile River, lies the most famous architectural wander of the world - the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. It is still the world's most massive building. For 3500 years it was also the world's tallest building. Only in this last generation has man built taller buildings than the Great Pyramid. Yet the Empire State Building in New York - the highest building on earth today - is only about 2/5 the size of the Great Pyramid!

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Good News MagazineMay 1958Vol VII, No. 5