Know The Answer?
Who am I: I am the Priest of Midian. I gave my son-in-law some good advice. His name is Moses.

Exodus 18:1-27

Personal from the Editor
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1967
Volume: Vol XXXII, No.3
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Personal from the Editor

ONE OF THE MOST read pages in The PLAIN TRUTH is the "What our Readers Say" Department, beginning on the opposite page. This month we received a letter, a little too long for that department - yet too interesting and factual to be condensed or omitted. So I pulled this letter out, so that I might use it myself in this Personal talk with our readers. This man sat down to figure what the subscription price for The PLAIN TRUTH would be - if we did charge for it - and if we charged what it is really worth! You know, I had never thought to figure this up, myself! You see, I just never thought about any such thing as the amount of subscription price - because, to me, a subscription price on this magazine is unthinkable, anyway.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1967Vol XXXII, No.3