ONCE AGAIN I devote this column to comment on BIG NEWS - important to those who know the PURPOSE being worked out here below, and how its working out has been Master-Planned. TWO happenings, involving this Work, since we last went to press: First, with this July number, The PLAIN TRUTH passes another giant milestone in its upward climb of progress! It now reaches a grand plateau in circulation - AT LAST!!! - ONE MILLION COPIES THIS ISSUE! A few of our readers have watched the improvement and the growth of The PLAIN TRUTH from a small "homemade" mimeographed "magazine," to its present status as one of the world's major high-quality, full-color, world-news human-interest magazines. With this issue The PLAIN TRUTH becomes, truly, one of the comparatively few MASS-media of the entire earth. In many nations there is no magazine or publication of any kind with a circulation and readership so large.
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