Know The Answer?
What did the city of Nineveh do to prevent being destroyed?
The king declared a fast and they turned from their evil ways.

Jonah 3:6

PLAIN TRUTH Reaches Third of a MILLION Circulation
Good News Magazine
July 1961
Volume: Vol X, No. 7
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PLAIN TRUTH Reaches Third of a MILLION Circulation

The month of June sent the PLAIN TRUTH'S total worldwide circulation to a new high! About 320,000 copies were mailed to the four corners of the earth, reaching an estimated readership of well over ONE MILLION people! HOW much do you know about the history of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine? Do you know that unless you lived on the Pacific Coast a quarter of a century ago, your chances of reading The PLAIN TRUTH were very slim? This publication was started in a small, drab room in downtown Eugene, Oregon, in February 1934. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong turning out a few hundred PLAIN TRUTHS in LETTER FORM on a worn-out, borrowed, mimeograph machine! There were no office workers! There was no printing press! And there was no accumulated postage money! There were only a few faithful tithe payers, who were able to give but a few dollars a month, and the DETERMINATION of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. God had given them a mission to accomplish! In spite of overwhelming odds, trials, and discouragements, the foundation was laid for what today, 27 years later, is a world-wide circulation!

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Good News MagazineJuly 1961Vol X, No. 7