Know The Answer?
Who said, "Run, find now the arrows which I am about to shoot?"

I Samuel 20:36

A VITAL SERIES BEGINS - Should A Christian Fight?
Good News Magazine
February 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 2
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A VITAL SERIES BEGINS - Should A Christian Fight?

WHY do religious men sanction war, and even brand war as "holy" and "noble" - the same men who teach that Jesus said, "LOVE THY ENEMY"? Why do Catholic priests bless the troops, and sprinkle "holy water" over their weapons and equipment, which is then used to kill and slaughter Catholics on the enemy side who have also had this same Catholic blessing? Why have Catholics killed Catholics? Why have devout Protestant mothers in Germany and devout Protestant mothers in England supposedly prayed to the same God, in the same church denomination, to spare their sons who were seeking to kill one another? Why did men, adoring and worshipping the same little "babe in a manger," fight and kill one another in World War I and World War II?

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Good News MagazineFebruary 1963Vol XII, No. 2