Know The Answer?
Who supervised at Stephen's death?
Saul of Tarsus.

Acts 7:59

Latest Africa Report
Good News Magazine
May 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 5
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Latest Africa Report

SINCE GOD EXHORTS us to be concerned with every member of the Body of Jesus Christ, I know you brethren will be interested to hear how He has made possible more activity in South Africa. Much has been done by Christ, the living HEAD of God's Church, in effecting this during the six weeks I have been here. I arrived from Perth, Western Australia, on March 13th. By the morning of the 14th, Christ had, through a series of fast-moving events, led me to just the right place in which Sabbath services, weekly Bible studies, the Passover and all of the Days of Unleavened Bread could be observed by God's people in this part of the world. One would have to understand the conditions here and the scarcity of auditoriums suitable for our needs to really appreciate the way all of this came about. It certainly thrilled and encouraged me to see how Christ began to work things out so speedily!

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Good News MagazineMay 1963Vol XII, No. 5