Know The Answer?
What animals did David kill to protect the sheep?
A lion and a bear.

I Samuel 17:34

CHURCH NEWS Summer Growth - New School Year Begins
Good News Magazine
September 1963
Volume: Vol XII, No. 9
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CHURCH NEWS Summer Growth - New School Year Begins

SEVENTY-FIVE new students accepted for the Pasadena campus. Baptizing tours completed - HUNDREDS BAPTIZED. Mr. Armstrong and other leading ministers who have been abroad for the summer prepare to return. All these events HIGHLIGHT a very FRUITFUL SUMMER! THESE PAST FEW WEEKS have been jam-packed! Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong, along with others on the acceptance committee, completed reviewing almost FOUR HUNDRED applications for enrollment to Ambassador College this fall. Only SEVENTY-FIVE could be admitted. Can you imagine how difficult it is to select only a small percentage of students who earnestly desire to attend God's own College? Many whom we would all want to see in college must be turned down simply because there is not enough room, or because present circumstances do not allow it.

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Good News MagazineSeptember 1963Vol XII, No. 9