Know The Answer?
With what did David cut off Goliath's head?
Goliath's sword.

I Samuel 17

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BLESSINGS During Our "Austere" Year!

Our own huge PRESS will soon be printing The PLAIN TRUTH! At last, Ambassador is to build a full-sized GYMNASIUM. And more NEW churches and Bible studies are being started! Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has directed that God's Work undertake a financial "austerity" year. That year is nearing completion - and the results show that God has tremendously BLESSED His Work even though expenses were generally curtailed. It seemed that almost from the very month we put a converted man in as Business Manager - and almost simultaneously began an austerity year - God began to cause many factors to work out to BLESS the Work in a most unusual manner. We have improved the financial position of God's Work even more than hoped for.

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Good News MagazineDecember 1963Vol XII, No. 12