Know The Answer?
Of what national background was the one leper that thanked Jesus?

Luke 8:27

Four New Churches - Five New Elders - and GROWTH!
Good News Magazine
July 1964
Volume: Vol XIII, No. 7
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Four New Churches - Five New Elders - and GROWTH!

THE long summer days are with us, but GROWTH continues in the Church of the Living God! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Armstrong are still in England, at the campus of God's College in Bricket Mood. Mr. Ted Armstrong and his wife flew over briefly for graduation and some special meetings. But he and his family are spending most of the summer at Big Sandy, Texas, where he is directing the activities in preparation for the opening this fall of the THIRD Ambassador College there. You have, no doubt, already heard several of the broadcasts he is making in our studios right on the campus at Big Sandy. Five New Elders Ordained. On the Sabbath of June 27, after the commencement exercises at Bricket Wood, Mr. Armstrong and the other ministers there ordained Mr. David Bedford and Mr. Reginald Platt as Local Elders in God's Church.

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Good News MagazineJuly 1964Vol XIII, No. 7