Know The Answer?
Name the book of the Bible that tells of the priest Eli and his sons.
I Samuel

The Story of Man - A New King in Israel
Plain Truth Magazine
September 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.9
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The Story of Man - A New King in Israel

JEHORAM, king of the House of Judah, fled with his family toward his palace when Arabians and Philistines broke into Jerusalem. Before they could get inside, the king's frantically racing wives and children were seized by Arabian riders and whisked away. Jeboram reached the palace and ran to a secret hiding place. (II Chronicles 21:1-16.) The End of a Bad Reign. For the next several hours he paced back and forth, miserably wondering what was taking place. Occasionally he could hear muffled shouts and thuds. When finally he cautiously emerged from concealment, he found that the palace had been ransacked. Objects of great value had been taken. What was left had been dashed or pulled to the floor.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 1969Vol XXXIV, No.9