Know The Answer?
Who are we: We are scattered and very small. We are persecuted by all. We keep God's commandments and it sure makes us a happy lot. One day we will shed this body, and rise to meet Jesus Christ in the sky.
The Church of God

The Story of Man - Jezebel, Chaos, and A Boy King
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.10
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The Story of Man - Jezebel, Chaos, and A Boy King

Everyone should know the true story of mankind. In the guise of scholarship, fables have been substituted for fact. A few have researched the truth. The evolutionary approach has been disproved, and the Biblical record proved true. Basil Wolverton has made a significant contribution to the literature of our time by faithfully sifting out the story of mankind in continuity, putting the thrilling story in simple and beautiful style for people of all ages. CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO. JEZEBEL, CHAOS, AND A BOY KING. Jehu had come into the Israelite town of Jezreel after putting an end to king Jehoram of Israel, according to God's instructions through Elisha. (II Kings 9:1-26.) Jehu was met there by Jezebel, the idolatrous queen mother of Jehoram. At Jehu's command, she was pushed from a high window by her men attendants. (II Kings 9:30-33.)

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1969Vol XXXIV, No.10