Know The Answer?
What am I: My talents are similar to those of a talking parrot. I am an animal mentioned in the Old Testament. My master beat me three times. His name was Balaam.
Balaam's Ass.

Numbers 22:21-28

Mankind Does Not Understand!
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1969
Volume: Vol XXXIV, No.12
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Mankind Does Not Understand!

I KNOW this may sound incredible, but it's true. And it's time the facts were understood! "Editors, news casters, foreign correspondents and reporters do not understand the real meaning of the world news they report, analyze and discuss." Equally incredible - "heads of government are utterly unaware of the true significance of the world shaking events with which they deal! They have no conception of where these events are leading." These are the first paragraphs of chapter one of a recent book which events may prove to be the most significant book of this century - which I will tell you about. It is an eye opening book you may want to read (we don't sell it).

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1969Vol XXXIV, No.12