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Who sinned by ordering a census taken of Israel?

I Chronicles 21:1, 2, 17

Departments Move Into Hall of Administration
Good News Magazine
March 1969
Volume: Vol XVIII, No. 3
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Departments Move Into Hall of Administration
Good News Staff  

The week beginning January 26, 1969, was an historical one. Departments involving approximately 200 employees began moving into Ambassador College's unique Hall of Administration, the finest of office buildings. This event marks the culmination of over a year's work by the O. K. Earl Corporation which began construction following ground-breaking on November 28, 1967. This ONE edifice gathers together segments of the Work heretofore scattered over the campus and will enable them to work together in greater harmony, unity, and efficiency. The Hall of Administration is a far cry from the past Administration Building which began as a two-story combination hay mow and horse stalls.

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Good News MagazineMarch 1969Vol XVIII, No. 3