Know The Answer?
Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?

Luke 19:2-4

Hall of Administration Dedicated
Good News Magazine
June 1969
Volume: Vol XVIII, No. 6
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Hall of Administration Dedicated
Good News Staff  

Ceremonies Attended by Many Dignitaries; Nearly 2000 People Inspect the Facilities Formal dedication ceremonies for Ambassador College's new $3,300,000 Hall of Administration took place last Thursday, May 15, at the site of the magnificent new building. Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong, as master of ceremonies, introduced both the commentators and the keynote address by the Chancellor. Peter Holdstock, the Senior Staff Architect of the O. K. Earl Corporation and the person responsible for the design of the building, made the first address. He pointed out that architecture is inscparable from people: it is produced by the co-operation of many people; it is bound up in the memories of people associated with it; and its ultimate judge is the people who work in the finished edifice.

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Good News MagazineJune 1969Vol XVIII, No. 6