Know The Answer?
What was Cain's job?
Tilled the soil.

Genesis 4:2

You CAN Get Out of Debt
Good News Magazine
June 1969
Volume: Vol XVIII, No. 6
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You CAN Get Out of Debt
Paul S Royer  

Are you tired of being in debt? Would you like to live again, free of debt? There is a way - and believe it or not it can be the most enjoyable and profitable experience of your life. Here are simple instructions to follow - a way to an enjoyable, debt-free life - a way to qualify for rulership in the Kingdom of God!! HOW many cities do you plan to rule in the Kingdom of God? Ten cities? Five cities? One city? Surprising, as startling as it may seem, some who are called, may never rule over even one city in the Kingdom of God! A major worldwide problem exists that could, if you succumb to its pulls, prevent you - from ruling in God's Kingdom. Perhaps you never thought of it as a problem before.

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Good News MagazineJune 1969Vol XVIII, No. 6