Know The Answer?
When Paul was a prisoner on board a ship to Rome, how many people died in the subsequent shipwreck?

Acts 27:42-44

Freedom of the press THREATENED?
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.01
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Freedom of the press THREATENED?

Has the precious freedom of the press been seriously threatened? Is government censorship imminent? News media, particularly the major T.V. networks, reacted sharply to President Nixon's recent nationally televised speech. The administration's reactions to news commentaries, in particular the now sensationalized speeches of the Vice-President, have created a bigger furor than anything in recent memory. Read in this informative article just what did happen, and what it could portend. "…An ugly era of the most fearsome suppression and intimidation!" said Thomas D. Hoving, Chairman of the National Citizens Committee for broadcasting, of Vice-President Agnew's criticism of television news coverage.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1970Vol XXXV, No.01