Know The Answer?
Why was Jacob given his name?
He deceives.

Genesis 25:26

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Good News Magazine
July-August 1970
Volume: Vol XIX, No. 3
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David R Robinson  

Man is unique! He alone of all physical creatures can be truly educated. Yet too often we in God's Church neglect this priceless gift! THE WAR in Europe had just come to an end. Winston Churchill, as wartime Prime Minister and head of the coalition government, called for a general election in Britain - the first in ten years. The election campaign was a short one, lasting only a few weeks in that summer of 1945. And when it was over the British Government that had won the war was upset: Winston Churchill and his Conservatives were turned out. The Labour party took over. Clement Atlee became Prime Minister at that crucial point in history.

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Good News MagazineJuly-August 1970Vol XIX, No. 3