Know The Answer?
Who served 14 years to earn Rachel for his wife?

Genesis 29:30

Success Thru Second Effort!
Good News Magazine
January-April 1971
Volume: Vol XX, No. 1
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Success Thru Second Effort!
Theodore G Phillips & William F Dankenbring  

SECOND EFFORT" involves some things which are becoming very rare today. It involves sacrifice, determination, and character! You may have watched collegiate or professional basketball games in which one team, late in the game, was behind by as many as 16 or 20 points, yet came from behind to win. Such an exciting game was played in Los Angeles not long ago. The UCLA team, champions of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, was trailing by nine points in a crucial game with their crosstown rivals from the University of Southern California. There were only a few minutes remaining. The game looked hopeless. Every shot taken by their opponents seemed to fall through the hoop, while the UCLA team had to work hard for every basket. But did they give up? Did they quit when the going got rough? Did they throw in the towel? NOT AT ALL!

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Good News MagazineJanuary-April 1971Vol XX, No. 1