Know The Answer?
Who caught and turned 300 foxes into torches?

Judges 15:4-5

The Horror Conditions In Biafra
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.03
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The Horror Conditions In Biafra

THE OTHER DAY at a student assembly, Ambassador College, Pasadena campus, a shocking film was presented. It showed, in full color motion picture film, the horror conditions in Biafra. Seated beside me as my guest was the managing director of a large motion picture corporation from Europe. During World War II he had been a prisoner at Buchenwald. Before our eyes were living scenes of starving, rib-showing children. We were viewing sickening scenes of putrefying sores covering bodies dying from horrible diseases resulting from malnutrition. To most of us this was a moving, revolting, eye-opening picture.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1970Vol XXXV, No.03