Know The Answer?
How tall was Saul?
A head taller than anyone else.

I Samuel 9

Recent Events foretell The Destiny of SPAIN
Plain Truth Magazine
March 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.03
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Recent Events foretell The Destiny of SPAIN

General Franco has named a successor - Prince Juan Carlos. Some expect his coronation may take place in April. Where is Spain headed from here? And what about the powerful, little known organization called Opus Dei, which is now beginning to exert an influence on the Spanish government? Madrid, Spain. Big news is being made in Spain. Spain - the land of olives, - citrus fruits, grapes and wines, of bull-fighters, dark-eyed senoritas and sunny tourist resorts - is suddenly throwing off the shackles of authoritarian isolationism. Madrid, the capital, is a modern, hustling, bustling city. Everywhere one senses that Spain is destined to play an important role in shaping the destiny of Europe.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1970Vol XXXV, No.03