Know The Answer?
Who am I: I was called a "friend of God", because I obeyed God without question. My name was changed in later life. To prove my obedience I was asked to sacrifice my son.

Genesis 12:4; 17:5; 20:2; 22:2

Special Reminders For The Feast
Good News Magazine
September-October 1971
Volume: Vol XX, No. 5
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Special Reminders For The Feast
Good News Staff  

IN ORDER to really rejoice at the Feast this year, we all need to strive to maintain good health and physical vitality. In the past, too many of us have neglected the laws of health during this season to our own detriment and that of others as well. This year, let's be extra careful not to overexert, to always get PLENTY of sleep and to maintain a balanced, wholesome diet. God wants us to enjoy the Feast, but if we break the laws of health, and either overeat or eat too many starchy foods, there will be an inexorable toll of unnecessary sickness. So let's AVOlD becoming sick by making sure we do not trespass God's health laws!

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Good News MagazineSeptember-October 1971Vol XX, No. 5