Know The Answer?
What was the occupation of Amos the prophet?
Farmer, sheep and figs.

Amos 7:14

How to Use Your Second Tithe
Good News Magazine
September-October 1971
Volume: Vol XX, No. 5
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How to Use Your Second Tithe

What is "second tithe"? What is it for? How, when, and for what should it be spent? Here are the answers to these often asked questions. A SECOND TITHE - you've got to be kidding!!" may have been your reaction the first time you heard the term mentioned. Most people when first becoming converted are somewhat alarmed when they hear that God's True Church teaches tithing. However, they generally readily accept it, thinking "Well, it's going to be difficult, but I'll do it." Then, sooner or later they hear about a second tithe - not to mention a third tithe twice in seven years.

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Good News MagazineSeptember-October 1971Vol XX, No. 5