Know The Answer?
How was David related to King Saul?
He was Saul's son-in-law.

I Samuel 18:23-27

DROUGHT Again GRIPS Australia!
Plain Truth Magazine
October-November 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.10-11
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DROUGHT Again GRIPS Australia!
Plain Truth Staff  

Farmers and rural observers now admit: "The present agricultural problems are worse than the worst of the depression of the 1930's." To understand just how serious the drought really is, read this article by The PLAIN TRUTH's Australian Editorial Staff. Sydney, Australia. Australia's farmlands are now in deep trouble! And for a variety of reasons. A mere five years after the last crippling drought in the same general area, thousands of square miles of eastern Australia's finest agricultural lands are again reeling before a serious new onslaught of drought! Drought which Federal Parliamentarian Mr. R.J.D. Hunt likened to a "black plague" spreading southwards from Queensland.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober-November 1970Vol XXXV, No.10-11