Know The Answer?
What was Peter's response to the question on Pentecost, "What shall I do?"
Repent and be baptized.

Acts 2:38

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OBSCENITY The New "Freedom"

The sex revolution is in full bloom. We have leaped from the age of Victorian morality to the age of sexual freedom and license! What used to be called obscenity is now quite often legal! What will be the effects of the new "freedom"? Sex in the western world has passed from an age of darkness and ignorance, to an age of nearly unlimited freedom. The hush-hush, shame-faced approach toward sex which characterized the old Victorian morality is gone. Granted, the "old morality" of the Victorian era, with its prudish view of sex, led to a world full of marital woes, frustrations and misery as a direct result of sexual ignorance! But has the "freedom" and permissiveness of the "NEW morality" brought us the solutions to the problems created by the old morality? Or are we facing a whole new set of sexual problems?

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1970Vol XXXV, No.12