Know The Answer?
How did the fish get rid of Jonah?
It spat him onto the beach.

Jonah 2:10

What do Rudolph's red nose and Eggnog have to do with Christmas?
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1970
Volume: Vol XXXV, No.12
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What do Rudolph's red nose and Eggnog have to do with Christmas?

"PEACE on earth, GOOD WILL toward men" may sound trite and hollow this year. But in SPITE of- terrifying world troubles, the traditional, commercial, CHIEF of the "Christian" holidays comes 'round every December. Chances are, you would FLUNK MISERABLY in a simple test about its origins. Go ahead - take a chance - find out! Brace yourselves. The mad shopping rush, the jangling bells, the department store "Santas" are with us again. Many deplore the growing commercialism of this most important of the "Christian" holidays. Church leaders cry out, "PUT CHRIST back in Christmas" this year! But was Christ ever IN "Christmas," and where did the custom originate? Take the simple test below. How much do you KNOW about Christmas – the chief holiday of Christendom?

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1970Vol XXXV, No.12