Know The Answer?
Recite the first commandment.
You shall have no other gods before Me.

Exodus 20:3

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This is a searching generation. We search for a way to peace. We grope for solutions to massive domestic problems. We agonize over crime, revolution, pornography, and outlaw industries polluting our environment. We bicker among ourselves about the meaning of our own constitution. We disagree about almost everything. We want out of the war in Southeast Asia, but we don't want to see the whole world swallowed up by Communism. We want an end to stifling, poisoned air, but not an end to our automobiles, and our industries. We want an end to huge defense spending, but don't want to lose our jobs in defense industries. We want good results from evil purposes. We want blessings for sin. We want life as we heedlessly struggle to die.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 1971Vol XXXVI, No.3