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Can you recite the fourth commandment?
Remember the day Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

Visiting Okinawa - Potential Trouble Spot
Plain Truth Magazine
April 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.4
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Visiting Okinawa - Potential Trouble Spot

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - ON THE SAME day I arrived in Tokyo, last December, there was a major-scale anti-United States riot in Okinawa. It was top front-page news in all Tokyo newspapers for several days. Okinawa formerly belonged to Japan. Its people are of Japanese stock. When I had a 45-minute interview with Prime Minister Eisaku Sato on the following Wednesday, the situation was still tense. This riot was the first such outburst of anti-American violence, but it definitely marked Okinawa as one of the potential trouble-spots of the world. In the December interview Mr. Sato suggested it might be interesting for me to visit Okinawa on my coming February visit to Japan, interview representative leaders of the local population, as well as Lieutenant General J. B. Lampert, the United States High Commissioner. General Lampert is a former President of West Point.

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Plain Truth MagazineApril 1971Vol XXXVI, No.4