Know The Answer?
Who threatened to kill Elijah after the victory at Mount Carmel?

I Kings 19:1

Australia Aftermath of Record – Breaking Floods
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.5
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Australia Aftermath of Record – Breaking Floods
Plain Truth Staff  

After five years of on-and-off drought, eastern Australia is now adding up the cost of record-breaking floods. In the last months of 1970, continual flooding plagued the Murray River system in the southern New South Wales Riverina area - a region nearly devastated by the 1967-68 drought. But this flood and drought were only a prelude to the havoc wreaked by the deluge of January and February 1971. Our Australian Editorial Staff reports on the disaster that some estimate will cost Australia as much as $100 million. Sydney. If there's one thing Australian farmers and ranchers don't seem to get any more - it's gentle rain in due season. For Australians it's too often either flood or drought. In the October-November, 1970 PLAIN TRUTH we published an article explaining how Australia was in the throes of drought.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1971Vol XXXVI, No.5