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Who built the first temple at Jerusalem?

I Kings 5:5

Sharing... Striving for fairness
Good News Magazine
July 3, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 14
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Sharing... Striving for fairness
Ted Herlofson  

Perhaps the title of this article should be "Why everyone isn't treated fairly, " Because people aren't all treated exactly the same in every situation; some people start out and run the race of life. with longer legs. Now I have always felt my legs were a bit on the short side. Like a lot of people I have felt that I was shortchanged in some areas. I am sensitive about my shortfall areas and, accordingly, I am concerned in my dealings with others that they not be slighted. However, after years of supervising others, I have come to realize it is impossible to be totally fair with everyone, especially so in the eyes of those being dealt with. Each day I make decisions that benefit some over others. It is impossible to do otherwise. The more people there are to deal with, the more opportunity there is for being unfair.

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Good News MagazineJuly 3, 1978Vol VI, No. 14