Know The Answer?
Who caught and turned 300 foxes into torches?

Judges 15:4-5

Climb Every Mountain, Conquer Every Trial
Good News Magazine
August 14, 1978
Volume: Vol VI, No. 17
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Climb Every Mountain, Conquer Every Trial

One of the most famous law enforcement officials who ever lived made the 1 following statement: "Through many years of active life and the observation of many kinds of people, I have found that the strongest, the wisest, the most competent and most reliable man is also the first to admit his inadequacy. "Contradictory though it may sound," he continued. "he is strong because he is humble, and he remembers always that man is the creation of God. No rule of life is more basic". When man leans on his own understanding, when he lives by his own strength, when he boasts of probing the mysteries of the atom, the depths of the sea or the secrets of outer space. he forgets God and he claims he's his own master. The result is untold suffering. "Even though one's position is maintained, even though material wealth increases, success quickly turns to failure when God has been forgotten. There is no peace of mind. There is no personal satisfaction. There is no personal experience of inward joy. 'To. trust in the Lord with all thine heart' is the mark of strength and it is the only path to happiness, success and to true fulfillment."

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Good News MagazineAugust 14, 1978Vol VI, No. 17