Worldwide Church of God brethren gathered at 75 sites this year from Anchorage, Alaska, to Suva, Fiji, for eight days (Oct. 16 to 23) of spiritual food, fellowship and fun. For the first time in the history of the Feast members of God's worldwide family had the opportunity to see and hear Herbert W. Armstrong speak at the Feast. As the Festival got under way the evening of Oct. 15 it was Mr. Armstrong who greeted Feastgoers, whether they were meeting in coconut-palm huts or Church-owned tabernacles such as the ones at the Lake of the Ozark s. Mo., and Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Films that Mr. Armstrong had made before the Feast for this purpose were shipped to all points of the globe. For German-, French- and Spanish-speaking brethren the film was translated.
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