Know The Answer?
Who said "I am the bread of life"?
Jesus Christ

John 6:48

What's Keeping YOU From Real SUCCESS?
Plain Truth Magazine
October 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.10
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What's Keeping YOU From Real SUCCESS?

There are definite keys that can make your business, your family, your LIFE, more successful. Why do many assume that life should be drab, mediocre, uneventful? It's time you ask yourself this question and find out how to achieve lasting success in life. Roughly speaking, there are three broad areas of success for the average individual. What Is Success? First is the satisfaction coming from the continued mutual sharing of love, affection and fellowship with family and friends. Certainly this is an extremely important area of life - and one that will make anyone's life more complete if handled properly.

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Plain Truth MagazineOctober 1971Vol XXXVI, No.10