Know The Answer?
What was the name of the plant that sheltered Jonah?
A gourd.

Jonah 4:6

GERMANY and ISRAEL – A Unique Relationship
Plain Truth Magazine
December 1971
Volume: Vol XXXVI, No.12
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GERMANY and ISRAEL – A Unique Relationship
Raymond Kosanke  

Who would have suspected that less than one generation from the gruesome, methodical Nazi murders of some six million Jews a striking political and economic marriage could have arisen between West Germany and Israel? Such a close bond seemed so incredible that it led Shimon Peres, former Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to say: "Our relations with Germany... presented one of the most unusual moral and political challenges that international diplomacy had ever known."

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Plain Truth MagazineDecember 1971Vol XXXVI, No.12