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Who said, "Make not my house a house of merchandise?"

John 2:16

As the Paris Peace Talks Go on... and on... and on...
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.1
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As the Paris Peace Talks Go on... and on... and on...
Michael P Allard  

About the only difference resolved in the dramatic three-year Paris Peace Talks has been the shape the debating table. In case you haven't noticed, the 137th meeting of the Paris Peace Talks recently ended. But after more than three and one-half years of peace talks in Paris, there is still no peace in Vietnam. The progress that has been made toward peace has certainly not resulted from the talks. The Paris talks are a poignant example of man's inept attempts to arrive at a just and lasting peace. The Paris Peace Talks began on May 13, 1968. At that time only the North Vietnamese and the United States delegations were present. Simply getting to the bargaining table was a months-long chore.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1972Vol XXXVII, No.1