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What book is about a man who was tempted by Satan to curse God?

Job 1:12

Leaders on the Move in Search for PEACE
Plain Truth Magazine
January 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.1
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Leaders on the Move in Search for PEACE

The year 1971 saw leading world figures traveling and signing pacts at a greatly accelerated pace - mostly in the professed cause of world peace. Is a new era of international harmony and goodwill about to dawn? So many heads-of-state, ambassadors and special envoys took to the air during the hectic year of 1971 that one American satirist-humorist suggested that international airlines offer group rates to traveling diplomats. Thanks to the jet age and our world of instant communications, people around the globe were treated to an almost endless scenario of goodwill" visits. There were new pacts and alliances, nations recognizing or "unrecognizing" one another, moves and countermoves on the part of major powers courting the favor of hoped-for allies. A dramatic change even occurred within the alignment of the United Nations, with the People's Republic of China being granted Nationalist China's seat.

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Plain Truth MagazineJanuary 1972Vol XXXVII, No.1