Know The Answer?
Where was the church located to whom John said they had left their first love?

Revelation 2:1

Meetings With the Leaders of Japan, India, Ceylon and Israel
Plain Truth Magazine
May 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.4
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Meetings With the Leaders of Japan, India, Ceylon and Israel

Personal from Herbert W Armstrong - TOKYO, March 15th: THIS HAS BEEN a thrilling day! I have had meetings today with, eight of probably the ten most powerful men in the government of Japan - the second most powerful nation in the free world. These are the leaders whose responsibility it is to guide the destiny of more than one hundred million people. The climax of the day was another 40-minute meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Eisaku Sato. At the outset of our meeting, the Prime Minister reminded me that this was a very historic occasion. But let me save that for the climax of this Personal talk with our readers, even as it was the climax of this historic day.

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Plain Truth MagazineMay 1972Vol XXXVII, No.4