Know The Answer?
To whom was it said, "What is to be done for the man whom the King desires to honor?"

Esther 6:6

Why the vast difference between animal brain and HUMAN MIND - Part V
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.5
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Why the vast difference between animal brain and HUMAN MIND - Part V
Robert L Kuhn  

In January and February, we demonstrated that the human mind is ENORMOUSLY superior to the output of animal brain. Then, in the March-April and May issues, we demonstrated that the human brain is just BARELY superior to animal brain - and that a nonphysical component is absolutely essential to transform the human brain into the human mind. Now, in June, we find out what it all means and begin to answer the ultimate question: What is Man? Is MAN wholly physical – merely an animal? Or is he something more - with a non-physical component? The question is vital. Because if man is wholly physical, then humanity must -find physical solutions for its physical problems - before it's too late.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1972Vol XXXVII, No.5