Know The Answer?
On what mountain did Moses receive the 10 comandments?
Mt. Sinai.

Exodus 19

Meeting with President Suharto of Indonesia - Vietnam and Far East Peril
Plain Truth Magazine
November 1972
Volume: Vol XXXVII, No.9
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Meeting with President Suharto of Indonesia - Vietnam and Far East Peril

AT LAST, the long-awaited, twice. postponed meeting with President Suharto took place, yesterday morning, in Djakarta. We flew on here today, en route to Jerusalem, where 80 of our Ambassador College students have been working this summer on the giant archaeological project adjoining the temple mount. Then a stopover at our campus in England, a luncheon visit with King Leopold, and then back to Pasadena. At this point we are approximately halfway around the world on the present trip. We really had a most interesting and profitable meeting with General Suharto.

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Plain Truth MagazineNovember 1972Vol XXXVII, No.9