Know The Answer?
When Pilate presented Jesus to the Jews, what did they say?
Crucify Him.

John 19:6

When Teen-agers Need to Know About Sex but Fear to Ask Parents
Plain Truth Magazine
June 1973
Volume: Vol XXXVIII, No.6
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When Teen-agers Need to Know About Sex but Fear to Ask Parents
Paul W Kroll  

Sixteen-year-old Denise finds a boy she likes. "Daddy," she confides, "I think I really love Frankie." She has an expectant, almost questioning tone to her voice. "Ha, ha!" her dad chuckles. "You in love, at sixteen? Hey, Mom, did you hear that? Our little girl thinks she's in love!" He turns to his daughter with a devastating "You'll learn what love is when you grow up" as he returns to his newspaper. The "feeling" may seem ridiculous to Dad, but to the girl it is the most important part of her life at the moment. Consider another happening. "Mommy, what's a menstru… menstrual cycle?" eleven-year-old Maria hesitantly asks her mother. "Well, uh…ah… you' ll learn later," is the answer tinged with an obvious feeling of embarrassment.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 1973Vol XXXVIII, No.6