Know The Answer?
What did John baptize people with?

John 1:26

The INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL... The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part VII
Plain Truth Magazine
September 6, 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.15
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The INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL... The Missing Dimension in Knowledge - Part VII

HOW could the great God, who is spirit, reproduce Himself out of PHYSICAL MATTER? And why the vast superiority of human MIND over animal brain? PEW PEOPLE indeed know what a human being really IS. Few know HOW we came to be here on the earth, WHETHER we were put here for a PURPOSE, WHERE we are going, or WHAT is the WAY! In preceding installments I have shown what caused God to create MAN and -put him here on, the earth, the true PURPOSE for human life, the breathtaking AWESOME human potential, and HOW God planned to actually REPRODUCE HIMSELF by a reproductive process out of earthly material substance.

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Plain Truth MagazineSeptember 6, 1975Vol XL, No.15