The frequency and urgency with which this unsettling question is being discussed in scientific and political circles is indicative of the unprecedented age in which we live. Uncontrollable crises seem to be zeroing in on the peoples of the world. Dwindling food supplies, soaring populations, mass starvation, rampaging inflation, monetary chaos, energy crises, resource competition, political disarray and paralysis, wars and threats of wars, arms races, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, soaring crime, moral decay, weather upsets, pollution, and natural disasters all seem to defy solution by anything short of a new world order. In the past, many of these problems seemed to be unrelated to each other. Now they form a perverse, interconnecting web - the "solution" to any one of them often compounding the severity of several others. According to George Wald, a 1967 Nobel Laureate in, physiology and medicine: "It is a dreadful truth, hard to live with….
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